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Annual General Meeting - 7 August 2019

The NICF Annual General Meeting took place on 7 August 2019 at the FITA Training Centre, Loughborough.

Council members re-elected to Council were Shane Moore, Steve Ramsden, Trevor Smith and Mark Smurthwaite.

We would like to welcome newly elected Council members Jason Quaife (Spotnails Ltd), Phil Stock and John Wright.

Scott Carter-Dowding was re-elected to serve as President for a further twelve months; Brian King was elected as Vice-President and Matthew Yerrell was elected as Honorary Treasurer.

The full NICF Council for 2019/2020 is:

Scott Carter-Dowding - President
Brian King - Vice-President
Matthew Yerrell - Honorary Treasurer
Ian James
Shane Moore
Jason Quaife (Spotnails Ltd)
Steve Ramsden
Trevor Smith
Mark Smurthwaite
Phil Stock
Paul Sycamore
Byron Terrett
John Wright

Stepping down from Council this year were Dennis Green and Brian Green.  Dennis has been a Council member since 2010 and Brian Green since 2017.  Thanks go to Dennis and Brian for their service on behalf of the NICF which has included representing NICF on the FITA Council.


9th August 2019

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